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Why Coconut Oil?
Coconut oil is a highly saturated fat that is traditionally made by extracting the oil from raw coconuts or dried coconut kernels. At room temperature it’s solid, but when heate...
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Continue shoppingCoconut oil is a highly saturated fat that is traditionally made by extracting the oil from raw coconuts or dried coconut kernels. At room temperature it’s solid, but when heate...
Use good sense when it comes to skincare scents Gardiner Family Apothecary use only the purest, gentlest, most natural ingredients in our Ovelle and Elave skincare formulations...
Dermatitis comes in many forms and has many causes, but it is not contagious. Three common types of this condition are atopic dermatitis (eczema), seborrheic dermatitis and cont...
Hot chocolate, brisk walks, blazing fires …. eczema. For all the seasonal joys of autumn, there is a huge downside for people with sensitive skin.
red, crusty patches on your baby's skin, usually appearing in the first six months of life. It is a very common complaint and children often outgrow it, but it is important to ...